Taking the Physical Master Plan Forward

June 18, 2015

Members of the Rutgers Community:

I am happy to report that the Board of Governors has approved the University Physical Master Plan, Rutgers 2030, which presents compelling visions for Rutgers in New Brunswick and Piscataway, in Newark, and in Camden. The document is the result of a process led by Vice President Tony Calcado and informed by the priorities of the chancellors and the input of thousands of faculty, staff, and students. Building on the momentum of projects already under way, such as the Honors College and Chemistry Building in New Brunswick, RBHS’s Pharmacy Building expansion and Oral Health Sciences Laboratory renovation, 15 Washington Street and Life Sciences II in Newark, and the Nursing and Science Building and Writers House in Camden, the master plan dovetails with the University Strategic Plan and, just as important, advances the distinctive visions expressed in each of the chancellor-led strategic plans. 

Thanks to your contributions, this is the most comprehensive master plan in Rutgers’ history. It calls for exciting changes to our natural and built landscape, infrastructure, buildings, and transportation that will increase the beauty and functionality of these spaces, enhance the sustainability of our physical plant and campus lifestyles, deepen the sense of community at Rutgers, and build stronger connections with the municipalities Rutgers calls home. It helps us enhance the student experience in the laboratory and classroom (including distance-learning technologies that can reduce time spent traveling between classes), in student centers and residence halls, in athletics and recreation facilities, and in moving around campus. At the same time, the master plan points to facilities and infrastructure improvements that will help us recruit and retain the best faculty. The full report, in three volumes, is now available at http://masterplan.rutgers.edu.

As you read each volume, keep in mind that the University Physical Master Plan is not a rigid blueprint but rather a planning framework. It is a living document that we will review and update from year to year, making appropriate revisions as circumstances and funding warrant. In taking the plan forward, we will explore and seize opportunities to use existing resources, solicit private gifts, form public-private partnerships, and seek foundation and government grants.

The development of this plan was a tremendous undertaking that would not have been possible without the assistance of so many people from throughout the entire Rutgers community. Rutgers 2030 provides vision and guidance as Rutgers moves forward to create an environment equal to our prominence in teaching, research, and service to New Jersey and the nation.


Bob Barchi